we are recapping the fashion winners and losers..... what really matters
Penelope Cruz ...... youll always be my favprite leading lady
im a sucker for bling
so pale
and after an oitfit change..... you still look sick
So different for Cam.... pretty, but you still need a face lift
Maggie, hook me up with your brother... i love this pic
Dear Diane, i love that you are such a fashion risk taker but can you please change your hair style sometime??? and stop looking like you have a stick up your ass.... <3, Cyn
Elizabeth Banks did you steal Demi Moores dress???
Why are you at the Oscars?? Arent you on CSI or some shit
Kate Winslet you bore me..... Im falling asleep as we speak
So pretty but stand up straight.... can i recommend a pilates class??
Sandra Bullock everybody loved, but i hated. I think it looks like your wearing Jessica McClintock... but i still love you
Nicole Ritchie I love you nd you are my style icon!!! BUT im not loving this
Im obsessed
Hey avatar guy... lose the skank next to you
So cute
ehhhhhhhhh Amanda Seyfried.... just ehhhhhhhh
Why ar you always so awkward?? i kinda love it
SJP - Chanel Couture.... wears it like no one else can. i love u
J.Lo I just cant with you ..... theres just so much wrong here i dont even want to get into it... down to the pose?? Really?? did you have to go there....
You look just as awful as your Oscar nominated film was
I LOVE THIS... i dont care what anyone says... did you see her walking on stage!!!!??? I DIE